Tree Hugger Animal

WEB Tree Hugger Animal Found: Sifaka Uses Trees for Heat Relief

Sifakas and Heat Relief

Sifakas are a type of lemur that live in the forests of Madagascar. Sifakas are known for their distinctive white fur and their ability to leap from tree to tree. Sifakas are also known for their unusual behavior of hugging trees. It has recently been discovered that sifakas use this hugging behavior to cool down during the hot Madagascar summers.

Tree Hugging Behavior

Sifakas typically hug trees during the hottest hours of the day. They will press their bodies against the cool trunk of the tree and hold on for several minutes at a time. This behavior has been observed in both male and female sifakas. It is believed that the sifakas use the cool tree trunk to help regulate their body temperature.

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